Women's RED Tee from Nine Line Apparel
HIPERTOUCH Reflex: “I’ve been running this trigger in my 3gun rifle and it is simply amazing. I previously used 2-stage triggers from other manufacturers, but have been incredibly happy after making the move to the Reflex. This trigger is clean, quick and very positive. The curved bow feels natural and it easy for any shooter to adapt to.”
HIPERTOUCH ECLipse: “Just installed it today in my LWRC IC-SPR. Ran approximately 180 rounds. Fantastic trigger smooth as ever. I wanted to keep shooting but ammo was running low. A couple of fellas at the range thought it was a full auto. Mag dumps are quite easy and precision shots are even better. I did the research and I am really satisfied with my decision. Hiperfire is tops. Now I just need to get some bulk ammo. By the way installation was spot on with no problems. Hipershoe is fantastic as well. Thanks again Craig from PA.”